脚手架市场价格稳中有涨。主导市场,北京小幅下跌,天津、上海小幅拉涨,广州以稳为主。昨日在期货的带动下,脚手架现货市场成交有所放量,市场心态普遍好转。虽然昨日夜盘再度走低,但这并未影响到市场想要拉涨的情绪,所以今日开市,市场价格稳中有涨。不过从市场了解到,今日拉涨后,脚手架市场表现相 当差劲,高位资源成交遇阻,就算降价出货成交也依旧不佳,市场询价的极少。而期货盘面也并没有向昨天那样给力,反而在不断走低。随着期货的走低,部分地区 价格开始出现暗降,也有个别地区出现明降。原料方面,午后昌黎部分钢坯资源降10,现普碳方坯含税出厂3500。期货钢坯双双走低,市场悲观情绪略显,故预计明日行情或震荡走弱。
The market price has risen steadily. Leading market, Beijing fell slightly, Tianjin and Shanghai rose slightly, and Guangzhou was mainly stable. Driven by futures, Square managed to release the volume of spot market transactions yesterday, and the market mentality generally improved. Although the market fell again last night, it did not affect the mood of the market to pull up, so today's opening, market prices have risen steadily. However, we know from the market that after today's rally, Fangguan's market performance is quite poor, high-level resources transaction is blocked, even if the price of goods sold is still poor, market inquiries are very few. The futures market is not as strong as it was yesterday, but on the contrary, it is declining. With the decline of futures, prices began to decline in some areas, but also in some areas. In terms of raw materials, some billet resources in Changli were reduced by 10 in the afternoon, and now ordinary carbon billet with tax was discharged from the factory by 3500. Futures billet both fell, market pessimism slightly, so it is expected that the market or shocks will weaken tomorrow.
脚手架价格方面,国内重点城市Ф6.0mm高线平均价格为4324元(吨价,下同),涨9元;国内重点城市 Ф25mm三级螺纹钢平均价格3978元,涨5元。主导城市方面:北京高线(6mm)4820元,持平;三级螺纹钢(25mm)主流规格3860元,跌 10元;上海市场高线4190元,涨20元;三级螺纹3960元,涨20元。