脚手架市场价格稳中有跌。 昨日黑色系螺纹钢主力合约拉升,市场心态提振。今日部分脚手架厂家价格出现小幅上抬,昨天接单有所放量。但就今日的期货来讲整体现货市场并未尽如人 意,再次回落。脚手架厂家方面暂时没有出现价格调整,前几日的下调幅度在50-100元不等,其中219-273近期下调幅度大。厂家新生产线增加,大口径管竞 争上升开始冲击市场,脚手架厂家昨日出货有所放量,消化库存为主。脚手架市场方面,市价处于滞后性下跌,多为稳中盘整,市场出货好些有限,现阶段脚手架从涨跌中获取利 益可能性较低,主要看需求量,保证利润出货,灵活操作,随出随补。预计短期国内脚手架市价弱势运行。
The price of the market has fallen steadily. Yesterday, the main contract of black thread steel was lifted, and the market mentality was boosted. Today, the prices of some Square managers have risen slightly. Yesterday, orders were received in a large amount. But for today's futures, the overall spot market is not as good as expected, and it has fallen again. There has been no price adjustment for the manufacturers under the control of the party. The range of price reduction in the past few days ranged from 50 to 100 yuan, of which 219-273 has been greatly reduced recently. With the increase of new production lines, competition for large caliber pipes has begun to hit the market. Square pipe manufacturers released some goods yesterday, mainly digesting inventory. On the market side, the market price is in a lagging decline, mostly in a stable consolidation, market shipments are limited. At this stage, the possibility of obtaining benefits from the rise and fall is low, mainly depending on the demand, ensuring profit shipment, flexible operation and follow-up. It is expected that the domestic market price will be weak in the short run.
今日管坯出现小幅回调,现潍钢热轧3770元,连铸3680元,鲁丽热轧3730元上调10元,江鑫热轧3780元上调50元,连铸3680元上 调50元,天钢热轧3770元,连铸3680元下调20元,东方热轧3980元,淮钢3970元,中天3950元,长强3900元中旬下调110元,凌钢 4210元。
Today, there is a slight callback in tube billet. Weigang hot-rolled 3770 yuan, continuous casting 3680 yuan, Luli hot-rolled 3730 yuan up 10 yuan, Jiangxin hot-rolled 3780 yuan up 50 yuan, continuous casting 3680 yuan up 50 yuan, Tiangang hot-rolled 3770 yuan, continuous casting 3680 yuan down 20 yuan, Dongfang hot-rolled 3980 yuan, Huaihua steel 3970 yuan, Zhongtian 3950 yuan, Changqiang 3900 yuan down 110 yuan in the middle of the year, Linggang 4210 yuan.
移动脚手架生产厂家过多 价格竞争激烈目前国内有专业移动脚手架厂数百家,还有许多家庭作坊式的小厂,如河北某地区有许多生产碗扣式脚手架和配件的家庭小厂,采用钢管的管壁厚度和材质均不合格,有些厂还采用旧钢管加工脚手架。广东佛山地区有40多家脚手架…