There are three theoretical weight algorithms for square pipes: the calculation method of square pipes'weight, there are three ways altogether. The first one is to use the steel plate algorithm, that is, to expand a square pipe with a straight heel, then form a four-piece flat steel, and then calculate the flat steel. The weight calculated by this method will be quite different from the actual pipe weight, which is heavier than the actual weight. Because this method calculates the weight of the overlapping parts on both sides. However, many customers are more accepting of this method of weight calculation.
The second way is the circular pipe algorithm. When the rectangular pipe is produced, most of them are first made into round steel, and then indented. Therefore, as long as the calculated weight is converted into the calculated weight of the round steel, the circumference and diameter of the round steel can be calculated. The error of this algorithm is also relatively small. The third is the standard algorithm, which is calculated according to the JISG3466 standard of Japan. The calculation method is basically the same in weight, but relatively few people know this calculation method.
脚手架市场价格稳中有降成交与前几日相差不大脚手架市场价格稳中有降。主导市场,除了上海以稳为主外,北京、天津、广州均出现下跌。昨日期螺表现不佳,消息面也没有新的利好刺激, 因此市场整体表现较弱,不过期螺夜盘震荡向上所表现的求生欲给了市场一点曙光。…