广州市场脚手架价格小幅下调。今日期螺宽幅震荡尾盘抬升回调小幅翻红,脚手架原材料方面现昌黎普碳方坯含税出厂3480跌20。今日广州脚手架市场成交偏弱运行,价格下跌20-30不等,部分一线主导资源因价格下调下有溢价空间故成交尚可,小幅放量;外省二三线资源成交相对偏弱一些。另一 方面,现广州地区连续降雨不断,对下游需求影响不可忽视,这也是近期当地成交难以出现持续性大幅放量去库的主要因素,且尾盘钢坯又下调20再度加剧市场悲 观心态,脚手架厂家主流以成交出货为主,涨价信心不足。综上所述,预计明日广州当地脚手架价格或偏弱运行。
Guangzhou market management prices slightly reduced. Today's snail wide oscillation tail plate raised slightly reddened, square tube raw materials are now Changli Pu carbon billet with taxes factory 3480 drop 20. Nowadays, the transaction of Guangzhou Square Management Market is weak, and the price falls by 20-30. Some of the leading resources in the first line are still acceptable because of the premium space due to the price reduction. The transaction of the second and third line resources in other provinces is relatively weak. On the other hand, the continuous rainfall in Guangzhou has a significant impact on downstream demand, which is also the main factor that makes it difficult for local transactions to sustain large-scale warehousing, and the tail slab reduction of 20 once again aggravates the market pessimism. The main trend of square tube manufacturers is delivery, and lack of confidence in price increase. To sum up, it is expected that Guangzhou local management price will be weak tomorrow.
脚手架价格方面,现广州市场上韶钢产Ф8-10mm高线市场价格为4330 元,Ф8-10mm抗震盘螺4450元/吨,18-25三级抗震螺纹钢4140元/吨;广钢产Ф8-10mm高线市场价格为4150元,Ф8-10mm抗 震盘螺4300元/吨,18-25三级抗震螺纹钢4070元/吨;以上资源较节前降20元。
As for square pipe price, the market price of Shaogang 8-10mm high-speed line in Guangzhou is 4330 yuan, 8-10mm anti-seismic disc screw 4450 yuan/ton, 18-25 grade anti-seismic screw steel 4140 yuan/ton; Guangzhou steel_8-10mm anti-seismic disc screw 4300 yuan/ton, 18-25 grade anti-seismic screw steel 4070 yuan/ton; the above resources are 20 yuan lower than before.
脚手架市场价格主稳个调各地氛围再度冷清脚手架市场价格主稳个调。主导市场,除了上海小幅反弹外,北京、天津、广州均以稳为主。昨日在期螺反弹的带领下,大部分地区氛围出现回 暖。期螺夜盘的高位平稳运行也给市场带来了支撑,不过早盘的走势就有些差强人意…