乌鲁木齐脚手架市场小幅下跌,成交清淡。各脚手架厂家报价普遍较为小幅下跌。据了解,由于近期兰州和唐山等地脚手架市场价格持续小幅下跌,新疆内部门中小户开始低 价抛售,造成市场价格整体呈现弱势下行态势。部分脚手架厂家表示,虽然目前新疆内脚手架市场价格与临近的兰州有一定价差,但兰州市场脚手架资源供给也较为紧张, 酒钢后期向新疆内大量投放资源的可能性大幅降低,而八钢今年一直以直供为主,对市场资源的投放量较少。资源方面,目前八钢和酒钢对乌鲁木齐资源投放维持正 常水平,据不完全统计,目前乌鲁木齐脚手架库存基本维持在2.8万吨左右,较上周小幅增加。受市场成交乏力影响,预计短期内乌鲁木齐脚手架价格将以小幅盘 整为主。
Urumqi Fangguan market fell slightly and the turnover was light. Generally, the quotations of the manufacturers concerned declined slightly. It is understood that due to the recent sustained small drop in market prices in Lanzhou and Tangshan, small and medium-sized portals in Xinjiang began to sell at low prices, resulting in a weak downward trend in market prices as a whole. Some square pipe manufacturers said that although the price of Xinjiang's domestic pipe market is somewhat different from that of the neighboring Lanzhou, the supply of square pipe resources in Lanzhou market is also relatively tight. The possibility of large-scale investment of resources in Xinjiang in Jiuquan Iron and Steel Company in the later period is greatly reduced. This year, Bagang has been mainly direct supply, and the amount of market resources is less. In terms of resources, Bagang and Jiuquan Steel have maintained a normal level of resources investment in Urumqi. According to incomplete statistics, the inventory of square tubes in Urumqi is basically maintained at about 28,000 tons, a slight increase compared with last week. Affected by the weak market turnover, it is expected that Urumqi Square Price will be mainly consolidated in the short term.
In terms of square tube price, 14-25mm square tube resources are quoted at 4290-4310 yuan/ton, and 14-25mm low alloy resources are quoted at 4440-4460 yuan/ton.
福州脚手架市场将震荡偏稳运行整体成交略有释放…福州脚手架价格暂稳运行。市场方面:据市场反馈情况看,周内价格暂稳运行,整体成交略有释放。据了解,周初受到黑色期货盘面震荡上调影响,福州脚手架厂家报价仍旧平稳。受 闽南地区价格小幅下调影响,福州地区贸易表…