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This week, the market price shocks and falls. Into June, the square tube market is obviously not as good as the previous months. On the one hand, the industry index of all kinds of related demand enterprises has fallen, and the demand has gradually shrunk, while the cost of raw materials has been supported, but the trend has passed. On the other hand, domestic and global economic growth has slowed down and economic pressures have increased. Although the square pipe industry is supported by local environmental protection and production restrictions as well as national relaxation policies, the market mentality is approaching a downturn. In addition, the continuous positive production of steel enterprises in the first half of this year, the increase of resources and capacity, as a whole, is particularly disadvantageous to the steel industry. At present, the mainstream prices of Handan, Tangshan, Tianjin, Jiangyin and Lecong in the dominant regions are running at around 3760, 3840, 3760, 3820 and 4110 yuan respectively. The price gap between North and South has expanded slightly, and the radiation scope of resources in the North has also spread slightly. However, due to the recent weak price operation, the trading atmosphere in the market is not active and the transaction is not satisfactory. At the level of steel mill, according to the statistics of Lange Net, the average daily production of medium plate in Jinji, Shandong and Henan Medium Plate Mills this week is 64.5 million tons, the productivity utilization rate is 95%, and the ratio of circumference to circumference decreases by 1 percentage point, which is basically flat. From the start-up data, it can be seen that the pipeline tied up by the factories in the North Medium Plate Plant is still in full production and continues to operate at a high level. In terms of lock-in price, this week dominated the firm operation of lock-in price policy for steel mills, which has certain support for market prices. However, it is noteworthy that the current market is transitioning to high temperature and rainy season, with late off-season shocks, slow construction progress of end-users, reduced procurement of downstream users, declining pressure on the demand side, which is not conducive to the market price of the other side. At the same time, the demand for sheet metal is not good, and the price may also fall with it. Generally speaking, in the case of short-term dominance, with the Dragon Boat Festival approaching, the short-term domestic mid-plate market prices may continue to decline under pressure.


Price: As of June 6, the average price of 16-25mm board in key cities in China was 3945 yuan (ton price, the same below), 10 yuan lower than the previous trading day, 56 yuan lower than the same period last week, 140 yuan lower than the same period last month. 

  厂家解读确保门式脚手安全稳定的措施门式脚手架除了结构稳定、承载力大的特点,在使用时必须增加一些构造措施,才能增强门架的支撑能力,这也是门式脚手架能够做到安全不倒的诀窍。高度在4.5 m以上的高支模在施工前必须由施工单位编制专项技术方案。技术…
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