













  近期泰安脚手架市场价格将低位调整厂家还是出货…泰安脚手架市场价格大幅下跌,受近期钢坯、期货持续大跌影响,市场信心开始崩塌,加上连雨天,淡季需求更显冷清,此波行情属于市场自发下跌,脚手架厂降价并不多。据脚手架厂家反映, 价格越降成交是越不好,现在…

厂家告诉大家脚手架的搭建过程,移动脚手架搭设前,对基础平面进行检查,采取拉线的方式进行找平保证脚手架下托在同水平面之内,保证脚手架的受力均匀,施工中保证各个连接点的紧密安放,严禁虚接的情况出现。下垫方木为防止支腿传递的集中荷载使垫层混凝土开裂,在其上垫方木,方木的厚度不小于5cm,宽度不小于20cm。移动脚手架底座安装立杆下设可调底座,其丝杆与螺母捏合长度不得少于5 扣,且伸出长度不宜超过30CM,插入立杆内的长度不得小于30CM。立杆底座和方木、方木和硬化地面之间应密贴,不得有脱空和松动。

The manufacturer tells everybody the scaffolding construction process, before moving the scaffolding erection, to check the foundation plane, take the way to leveling to ensure that the scaffolding under the support in the same horizontal plane, to ensure that the scaffolding force is uniform, construction to ensure that the tightness of each connection point, strictly prohibit the situation of virtual connection. In order to prevent the cracking of cushion concrete caused by concentrated load transmitted by the supporting legs, square timber is laid on it with a thickness of not less than 5 cm and a width of not less than 20 cm. A movable scaffold base is provided with an adjustable base under the mounting upright rod. The length of the screw and nut kneading shall not be less than 5 buckles, and the extension length shall not exceed 30CM, and the length inserted into the upright rod shall not be less than 30CM. The erect base should be closely attached to square wood, square lumber and hardened ground, and there should not be any voids and loosening.


According to the design plan, a vertical pole is installed, and the vertical pole bearing the length must be butted, and no lap is allowed. Only the upper and lower passers-by and scaffolding for auxiliary construction can be overlapped except for the top step, the other joints of each step must be docked with butt fasteners. The butt fasteners on the upright pole should be staggered. The joints of two adjacent upright poles should not be set in synchronization. The distance between the two separating joints of the upright pole separated by one upright pole should not be less than 50 cm in height direction. The distance between the center of each joint and the main node should not be greater than 1/3 of the step distance.


The mobile scaffolding manufacturer sets up a vertical bar in each layer, after checking up to be qualified, the horizontal bar and the longitudinal bar are set up. The mobile scaffolding wholesale shall be equipped with transverse bars and longitudinal poles according to the design requirements. If it is fastener-type scaffolding longitudinal, horizontal bar and vertical bar each node must be fastened with fasteners, do not fasten or not fasten firmly phenomenon. The angle between scissors and braces is from 45 degrees to 60 degrees, and the length should not be less than 6m. Each scissors should span no less than 4 pieces. The oblique bar of scissors brace is fixed on the outgoing end of the vertical bar or the horizontal bar intersecting with it by rotating fastener. The distance between the center line of the rotating fastener and the main node should not be greater than 15 cm. The bottom of the scissors must be landing. So that nodes can not be parallelogram.

辛苦整理!转载请注明来自 http://m.wuxidongfang.com/jiaoshoujiazhishi/364.html


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